About Us

The Islamic Chamber Training Academy

The Islamic Chamber Training Academy (ICTA) is a specialized institution affiliated to the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development (ICCD), established with the aim of developing human capabilities and advancing the private sector across the Islamic world.

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development

ICCD is an International Non-Governmental Organization, affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and represents the private sector of 67 Member Islamic Countries via their Apex Chambers of Commerce & development bodies. 


Develop private sector leaders in member countries to serve a thriving economy according to the capabilities and needs of each country.


Working on creating and providing training programs that stem from the actual needs of the private sector in the member countries Integrating with our local partners.


Innovation – Partnerships



Enabling the Chambers of Commerce to lead the private sector.


Increasing the effectiveness of non-profit organization in member countries.


Evolving governance practices in business organization in member countries.

Build up

Build up business leadership generations capable of shaping a better future for their organizations.


Developing specialized training programs that are effective and supported by research and workshops.


Driving human capital to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the work environment and personal life.

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