ICCD, represented in ICTA organized Regional Seminar on Digital Transformation, in cooperation with the Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAM), and Pérez-Guerrero Trust Fund for South-South Cooperation, on October 11 – 12, in Nouakchott, Mauritania, with a view to address the central role of digital transformation in supporting and empowering SMEs, along with advancing economic conditions across the OIC countries.
Mr.  Abdoul Aziz Wane, Secretary General of the Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, emphasized in his speech during the opening ceremony of the conference that positive engagement in technology choices, innovation, and digital transformation has become an essential necessity in our modern era to achieve sustainable development. He also highlighted the level of fruitful cooperation between this organization and our country through the establishment of important projects, including the launch of pioneering projects such as the Family Bank and the Green Endowment. This cooperation was recently crowned by the signing of a strategic partnership agreement.
On his part, Mr. Talha Ahmed, the representative of ICCD, expressed his satisfaction with the outstanding level of partnership with the Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture. He wished success for the endeavors of his organization, emphasizing that they always strive to establish partnerships with Muslims in all sectors.
Mr. Aly Silly Soumare, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Modernization of the Administration, emphasized the importance of digital transformation for institutions, both in developing their services and offerings to customers, as well as accessing new markets. The minister mentioned that important measures have been taken by his sector towards digital transformation.
The regional Seminar was attended by 30 directors representing institutions from both the public and private sectors, from various African countries, and it lasted for two days.